Posted on 05/09/2023

At Short Pump Dental, we want to change the way you think about dental care. You'll find caring professionals around every corner who can answer the questions you have about veneers and any other procedures that appeal to you.

Dental veneers are a good option for anyone who has stained, chipped, or cracked teeth that they want to fix. With proper care, your veneers can last for a decade or longer. You'll want to brush and floss daily, see your dentist twice a year, and avoid certain foods. Learn more about how long veneers last before your appointment.

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How Long Do Veneers Last?

Veneers last for 10 to 15 years in most cases. Some of our patients got 15 to 20 years out of theirs. While veneers won't last forever, they have some great benefits like letting you choose the right type for your dental problems. Dental veneers come in different types such as porcelain veneers that the dentist applies to your teeth after removing some of the natural enamel. There are also no-prep veneers that require less work on your part.

Signs You Need to Replace Your Veneers

Knowing the signs that it's time to replace your veneers can help you know when to call our office. You want to ensure that the veneers are customized for your teeth. Look for signs of tooth decay, too. This is a sign that the dentist needs to remove the veneer to treat the tooth below. Other signs include damage to the veneers like dark colors or chip and fractures..

Make Your Veneers Last Longer

Before you talk with the dentist about veneers during your first appointment, see what you can do to make them last longer. Now is the best time to quit smoking and cut back on dark foods and drinks that can stain your veneers. You'll also want to talk with the dentist about how you can stop grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. Avoid chewing on hard and sticky things that can damage the veneers, too.

Consider Our Dental Benefits

Get the Smile You Deserve

Short Pump Dental helps you get the veneers and other treatments you need to get the smile you deserve. Dental veneers usually last for a full decade but can last for 15 or even 20 years with proper care. Call to schedule an appointment to talk with our team about the dental veneers that are right for you.