Although teeth are typically quite strong, they do experience general wear over time. But the good news is, we can slow this wear and ensure that our teeth only experience mild wear instead of moderate or severe wear. At Short Pump Dental, our general dentist wants to give you the tools and knowledge of how to best care for your teeth and minimize dental wear for strong, healthy teeth. While we cannot eliminate tooth wear completely, we can successfully minimize it and preserve our teeth to last a lifetime.
1. Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay and cavities will naturally weaken teeth and make them more susceptible to chips, cracks, and general wear. Our Short Pump general dentist wants all patients to practice good oral hygiene by brushing their teeth twice per day and flossing once per day. Additionally, you should visit your local dentist twice per year for regular teeth cleanings and dental checkups. These positive dental habits will ensure minimal tooth decay and prevent your teeth from excessive wear.
2. Straighten Your Bite
If your teeth are misaligned, they may be naturally accelerating the wearing process. When teeth are misaligned, especially the top and bottom teeth, they can rub together consistently causing natural wear. Orthodontics can rectify this misalignment. Today, there are many discrete options for orthodontics including clear braces and Invisalign. Ask our Short Pump dentistry which option they recommend.
3. Avoid Teeth Grinding
One of the primary causes for tooth wear is bruxism or teeth grinding. Over time, constant teeth grinding can cause your teeth to weaken and crack. To avoid this, ask your Short Pump general dentist how you can avoid teeth grinding. We may recommend wearing a nightguard at night to avoid teeth grinding while you sleep.
Contact Short Pump Dental to Schedule Your Next Dental Checkup!
If you are worried about tooth wear, contact Short Pump Dentistry to schedule a teeth cleaning and dental checkup. Our general dentist and staff will evaluate your teeth and discuss any habits that may alleviate tooth wear. Request an appointment online today! We look forward to seeing you soon.